Kota Sultan Ismail Petra

Kota Sultan Ismail Petra
Kota Sultan Ismail Petra di Zon Budaya di pusat bandar raya Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.

Isnin, 29 September 2014

Rodent traps common in Kota Bharu

KOTA BHARU: It’s a common sight in town. At any sundry shop or convenience store in Kota Bharu, one can see rat poison or traps being sold at almost every nook and corner of the street. At the landmark Siti Khadijah market in town, rat poison is sold two feet away from an array of colorful kuih.

Kelantan records the third highest number of leptospirosis cases in the country. Leptospirosis, a bacterial disease also known as rat urine disease causes fever, headache and chills, and can even be fatal. 

Selangor has the highest number of cases in the country but Kelantan’s record has been high for the last two years with 264 and 394 respectively. 

Thus, it was no surprise that Kota Bharu recorded the highest number of leptospirosis cases last year at 88. Machang saw the fewest cases – seven. 

Source: The Star Online | 29 Sept. 2014

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