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Mohamad Nazri Ismail, says the 40-year-old business was
passed to him by his mother.
Cendol maker, Mohamad Nazri Ismail, 28, from Kampung Semat Jal, Wakaf Bharu, said the arrival of fasting month saw a higher demand from his customers, including the petty traders.
The business, which was passed down to Nazri from his mother, Che Minah Abas, 65, who had started making the green jelly, which is a key ingredient for the dessert, 40 years ago.
Nazri said he would start preparing cendol from 3pm until 10pm.
“On normal days, I would sell cendol from 2pm to 5pm at Pasar Wakaf Bharu.
“I would prepare a pot (of the green jelly) for Ramadan and managed to sell four times more compared with normal days. My wife, Nor Ain Mat Rani, 27, also helps out with the preparation,” he said.
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The packets of cendol are sold for RM1 each.
It is then quickly pressed on strainers to turn the jelly into the desired shape.
Nazri said he maintained an affordable price of RM1 per pack.
“I don’t want to focus only on making profits. I also make ‘locong’, which is a bit chewy compared with cendol. We sell cendol to traders, middlemen and market-goers.
“Cendol can be kept fresh in refrigerator for up to four days. We don’t produce as much these days, as there are a lot of competition from our counterparts in Thailand. Some traders prefer imported ones that were said to last longer,” he said.
Source: New Straits Times | Nation | 21 May 2018
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