Kota Sultan Ismail Petra

Kota Sultan Ismail Petra
Kota Sultan Ismail Petra di Zon Budaya di pusat bandar raya Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.

Ahad, 2 Oktober 2016

Rafflesia in danger by land clearing in Lojing Highlands

GUA MUSANG: The rare Rafflesia – a flower that can grow up to 1m in diameter and 10kg in weight – has been severely affected by the land clearing activities in Lojing Highlands.

University Malaysia of Kelantan senior lecturer Zulhazman Hamzah said the growth of the rare species – considered the “icon of conservation” – depended on pollination and seed dispersal.

“When I first visited Lojing in 2008, I saw in one area more than 100 buds. But now, I see only about 30, a very drastic reduction.

“I think this is because of the development in the area,” he said.

There are about 28 species of the Rafflesia, which are found in only four countries in the world – Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia.

The one found in Lojing, said Zulhazman, is believed to be the biggest in Malaysia and second biggest in the world.

Zulhazman added that the presence of these flowers could be promoted as an eco-tourism site to generate income for the state.

Source: The Star | Nation | 2 Oct. 2016

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