Kota Sultan Ismail Petra

Kota Sultan Ismail Petra
Kota Sultan Ismail Petra di Zon Budaya di pusat bandar raya Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.

Ahad, 12 Mac 2017

Najib: I don't believe in punishing Kelantan folk

BACHOK: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said unlike a previous leader, he did not believe in punishing the people of Kelantan for voting against Barisan Nasional. 

He said a former premier had said that the Kelantanese must be punished (orang Kelantan patut didera) by reducing the annual allocation for development. 

"But I don't believe in resorting to that. In fact, I add more allocation. "Kelantanese are people too," he said during the Bachok Hospital ground-breaking ceremony here on Sunday. 

He said he had approved an allocation for a hospital and a high-speed electric train, and had set up Universiti Malaysia Kelantan for the rakyat. "We must help the rakyat," he said. 

According to Najib, RM104 mil was allocated to build a three-storey hospital in Bachok, the only district in Kelantan without a hospital

He said the Kelantan people would also benefit from the 534.8km East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) linking Wakaf Bharu in Kelantan to Gombak in Selangor, as the travel time is reduced to four hours. 

There will be four stops in Kelantan, namely Tok Bali, Jelawat, Kota Bharu and Wakaf Bharu. 

"As the Government, we must be fair. Vote is secondary. "If we don't get the vote, we will be rewarded in afterlife. "If we get the vote, the better," he said. 

Najib had earlier approved RM56,000 each to build new homes for three poor folks who were living in dilapidated homes in Bachok. 

The Prime Minister also called on the rakyat to ignore those out to defame and tarnish his image. 

He said Saudi Arabia King Salman Abdulaziz Al-Saud, the custodian of two holy mosques, praised Malaysia's success during his visit to the country recently. 

"We want Malaysia to be a developed Islamic country, and not in the backwaters," he said. Najib said with greater support, Malaysia could progress further. 

"Those who are jealous of us, dissatisfied, and have ill intention won't last long. "In a day or two, they may appear as if they are great. "But they can't continue with the struggle when the heart is full of anger," he said. 

To a request from Bachok Umno division chief Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin, Najib said they could even build a flyover to reduce congestion near the Jelawat market

"But give us the sweets (votes) first. Can?" he told the 15,000 strong crowd. 

Most of them were there to collect their 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M) in conjunction with the launch of the "Jom Bantu Rakyat" programme.

Source: The Star | Nation | 12 March 2017

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